Deployment pipeline security (Maintenance & Operation)
One of the core capabilities of DevOps organizations is automation. Thus integrity and confidentiality of automation services must always be maintained.
Multiple services in the entire CI/CD pipeline can (or even better must) be automatized:
However, this is also reflected again with security requirements for these automation services. A segregation of code and configuration data (in a everything-as-code approach (EaC)) is very important to ensure a good security. The configuration data can contain sensitive information like:
- secrets
- API keys
- (prod) data for testing purposes
- information about the environment (IP addresses, DB names, DB tables, etc.)
The EaC means that
- tests
- builds
- repositories
- deployments
are described as code. Wrong manipulation of this code can have disastrous implications (e.g. failing tests, ex-filtrated passwords, etc.). This code lies also in the VCS, thus the VCS (and its repos) must be protected as well. Integrity and confidentiality in the repos must be guaranteed to avoid:
- unwanted changes of code / artefacts
- unauthorized changes of code by unauthorized person
- leakage of sensitive data from the repositories
The solution for this is a well-thinked Identity and Access Management (IAM) and especially commit signing (have a look at this article)
Again, a good Awareness is key. Authors of code must enforce clean coding rules
- Reduction of leakage (operational secrets like certs, keys, passwords, etc.)
- Secret algorithms (intellectual property) must be protected
- Secrets have no reason to be kept in a VCS!
Management of secrets and certificates
High degree of automation also depends strongly on an automated secrets management (e.g. system to system access), thus in DevSecOps a manual secrets management is not possible!
- Best practice in password management requires regular PW replacement
- Reduce the risk that attacker can gain access to an old passwords
- Can be hard in system to system relationships of a big organization
- A lot of dependencies exists and must be correctly managed
- Administrator must even sometimes change password manually
- Hardcoded passwords are therefore very bad
- Use mecanisms like Vault (HashiCorp) or Key Vault (Azure) to manage secrets, or Secrets in Kubernetes
Demo of badly used secrets in a pipeline: playground
Usage of automated PKI is highly recommended